Author Topic: No0b Looking for a home!  (Read 959 times)


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No0b Looking for a home!
« on: September 01, 2005, 12:54:47 AM »
<!-- Start Details -->

Alias: KingJes
Location: Atwater, CA 95301
Age: 30
Clan experience: Null
Where you heard about us: Planet Battlefield

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Hey All,
Just checking out your clan.. and so far you seem like a pretty cool bunch.. I think I was sold on the naked chick in the forums gallery! Holy hell she was HOT! Id trade my Assult Kit for her any day! hahah

Anyway, I wanted to check in. Id like to join your clan but I think the time dif is way too much! Im in California a smaller town called Atwater about 2 hours from San Francisco.

Iv been to Ireland (home land) once b4 and plan on returning as soon as I have the money to visit as much as I can.. having a Guinness in the Gravity bar is one of the best things I have done on vacation ever, aside from a trip to Mexico when I was in the Army, but I wont go into details about that! haha

Id like to get in on a game or 10 with yous.. if you dont mind. I dont claim to be uber l33t or anything.. Im a self admitted n0oby but I really dig this game and when I play on a public srv and find myself in a swuard that works together the game comes alive for me.. the team work in a game like this can make or break you ya know..

Anyway, if you have a spot for a dude with up and coming skills and an arm half full of clovers, guinness, and pin ups with Flags as a hang around Id really like to be invited to play around a bit..

thanx all and I hope to hear from someone someday..

Jesse E. Kilgore
kilgorejesse (Y!)
KingJes BF2

PS, I took the m95 unlock, not that Im a good sniper, I just like to spot bad guys and take the head shot and flags when I can get em ahha


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No0b Looking for a home!
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2005, 12:59:08 AM »
welcome  :P


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No0b Looking for a home!
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2005, 07:44:07 AM »
Welcome 8)


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No0b Looking for a home!
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2005, 10:45:59 AM »
sup, rdy 4 some pwnage if u come on?



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No0b Looking for a home!
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2005, 04:11:00 PM »
Im no guru at this game but I have had a few good rounds.. Im a little off right now cause last night I got knifed! ahahah nothin worse then getting knifed man! Makes you fell like a freaking dumb arse!

Its all good cause the guy that knifed me was head shot by the M95 next spawn so I got some revenge..