Author Topic: Tig FTW  (Read 931 times)


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« on: April 19, 2006, 04:15:46 PM »
Alias: DeSeRtFo)(

Location:soon to be Dublin


Clan experience:Started with 1942 in a New Zealand clan called NZSAS, Then moved back to Ireland and I was with you guys for about 2 months at the start of Vietnam.
Moved back to New Zealand and rejoined NZSAS for about a year playing Forgotten hope and then BF2 when it came out. New Zealand combined players from the top clans for the World tournament and I played as the Heli Gunner/ Set defender/ Pilot.

Once the WT finished it became clear the NZSAS was  moving on from BF2 as soon as Forgotten hope 2 arrived so I moved to [!] (Imperium). We are currently 3rd in the GA ladder which has over 150 teams playing and we are just defending now as we will deffinatly move on to the knock out tournament wether we win or not.

I can play most roles in BF2 to the skill of most clanners but my specialitys are Pilot/ Heli gunner and set defender/SL.

I take an active role with creating Strats and working with the team to get to know thier play styles. I know how to use TS and how to kick some ass on the battlefield.

I will be in Ireland within 3 weeks and I am hoping you will give me a trial.

Where you heard about us: Played with you before and also kept track of you in the WT.

If you guys want to clarify anything or have any reservations about trialing me or anything else please let me know here so I have a chance to defend myself.


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« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2006, 06:12:11 PM »
Sounds good.  As soon as you are over here give me a shout on IRC.
