[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: [TiG]frodo on September 05, 2005, 03:20:04 PM
Alias: psycho_frodo
Location: Limerick, Ireland
Age: 24
Clan experience: Have played FPS and RTS extensively all my life and have reached the dizzying heights of nerdhood (i.e. spend far too much time playing games). I play a lot of BF2, Q3, CS & CS:S of course and all variants of C&C. Any Limerick Uni person, or irish college nerd person or ILUG person would know me better as Sith from the IRC channels there.
Where you heard about us: molc! I live with the smelly git. ;-) And yes his collection of donkey pron is as huge as legend says it is. He scares me sometimes.... :shock:
lo there,bah the Donkey porn, i think Horses are the Ticket :wink:
lo there,bah the Donkey porn, i think Horses are the Ticket :wink:
Horses are too much for molc to handle...Now there is a gruesome image... :shock: