[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: tig.bf2| RopeDrink on November 06, 2005, 04:52:18 PM
Well I've been clan hunting for some time now, and was told to give [TiG] a post so...
Alias: RopeDrink
Location: Galway, Ireland
Age: 23
Clan experience: None in BF2, but plenty of clan member / clan leader experience in other games.
Where you heard about us: From mIRC and the [TiG] servers.
Well basically I'm an Anti-Tank / Support infantry user mostly, who has a fanaticism with flying helicopters. While not 'Excellent' at flying, I'm certainly a big step up from the usual people who try to whore them for frags, and am always trying to transport people to the right locations using the bigger choppers, hence I get annoyed in public servers where half of your team are hanging around waiting to be transported thanks to some idiot who loves nothing more than to crash choppers into other vehicles because they can't use them properly.
I'm a teamwork player in the sense that the first thing I'll do as a squad member/leader is demand new orders, and follow them religiously unless they have been completed, or are completely ridiculous (with which I'll drop them for a more reasonable method).
Adore being commander, also, and I love nothing more than playing a game where co-operation is paramount over frag whoring / deathmatch style games.
My favoured classes are Anti-Tank, Support, Engineer, Medic and Special-Ops (In that order) but will always be flexible in class depending on the situation.
Anyways, if you're stuck for a pilot, or an order following attack dog, give us a shout.
Welcome ropedrink. :salute:
No-body join any server ip's he posts as he picks ones with only one space and gives the ip after he joins. :wink:
good day 2 u Ropedrink
Thanks for the warm response guys, and yes, admittedly I need some server hunting skills!
Anyhow, like I keep saying, if you're ever stuck for a chopper fanatic willing to learn and abide by orders, throw me a shout.
Also, if you need extra fodder for a few regular games on your server, give me a shout. Just found the [TiG] mIRC channel, so I'll idle in there from now on.
Take care guys.
Ahoy Ropeh.
Welcome ropedrink. :salute:
No-body join any server ip's he posts as he picks ones with only one space and gives the ip after he joins. :wink:
Thats so annoying when he does that!
He's a good, sound all-round player and great to have in a squad.
lo ropeh. :salute:
Thanks again guys.
I shall refrain from trying to get ye lot together for a server bash in the future, then. Instead, I shall focus on being the number 1 reputed 'Bunnyhopping, Grenade Launching, Stat Paddling Newblet' Killer.
Guided Anti-Tank Rockets, AWAY! :salute:
'Bunnyhopping, Grenade Launching, Stat Paddling Newblet'
Sounds like a few guys in the clan...
'Bunnyhopping, Grenade Launching, Stat Paddling Newblet'
Sounds like a few guys in the clan...
FTW!! :wink:
Well it looks like I'm going to have to try and worm my way into the clan, and TK you all from within :odlums: Hehe.
Managed to drag Wypoor around in the MiG chopper and display some twisty turny, stomach wrenching ground crawls at high velocity.
I seem to remember him mention feeling ill, afterwards :twisted: Which means I did fairly ok.
Will hopefully get to drag ye lot around for a bit of a flight sometime. Until then, happy hunting :salute:
Me and Rapp played with this guy, good squad leader :salute:
He likes pie.
And I like both of ye're avatars! If only we could get an animated one of the girl with the gun screaming BOOM! Headshot! :wink:
Pie ftw tbh, lo Ropey
Great to see ye guys - Nice to have some familiar faces playing BF2 :salute:
Be sure to remind me of any recruitment sessions you lot have - Itching to play in a BF2 clan scenario, and I'm very serious about it.
No muppetry from me, but you're guaranteed to recieve demands for new orders constantly (If you think that is a bad thing) :lol:
can vouch for the ropedrink fella, nice lad, good team player and has a bit o sense on his shoulders.
U got damn right Eric! :salute:
Did I mention he likes pie?
I would love some pie right now, topped off with a cool bit of ice-cream. There is a mauds oncampus here in DCU and im so ever so tempted to make a treck over to it to grab me some lovely ice cream.
Ropeh: Zombiefy the lads (http://www.room101.org/gallery/235-1-DSC01295.JPG) for the craic. :D :P Good to see ya, btw.
Would it increase my chances of getting into the clan? :roll: :wink:
Haven't played bf2 with him yet, reading over his history and playing other games with him, I'd recommend this guy big time.