Well I've been clan hunting for some time now, and was told to give [TiG] a post so...
Alias: RopeDrink
Location: Galway, Ireland
Age: 23
Clan experience: None in BF2, but plenty of clan member / clan leader experience in other games.
Where you heard about us: From mIRC and the [TiG] servers.
Well basically I'm an Anti-Tank / Support infantry user mostly, who has a fanaticism with flying helicopters. While not 'Excellent' at flying, I'm certainly a big step up from the usual people who try to whore them for frags, and am always trying to transport people to the right locations using the bigger choppers, hence I get annoyed in public servers where half of your team are hanging around waiting to be transported thanks to some idiot who loves nothing more than to crash choppers into other vehicles because they can't use them properly.
I'm a teamwork player in the sense that the first thing I'll do as a squad member/leader is demand new orders, and follow them religiously unless they have been completed, or are completely ridiculous (with which I'll drop them for a more reasonable method).
Adore being commander, also, and I love nothing more than playing a game where co-operation is paramount over frag whoring / deathmatch style games.
My favoured classes are Anti-Tank, Support, Engineer, Medic and Special-Ops (In that order) but will always be flexible in class depending on the situation.
Anyways, if you're stuck for a pilot, or an order following attack dog, give us a shout.