Author Topic: [color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/  (Read 2001 times)


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The names CoBurN from Wicklow. Im a 23yr Mech. Eng. student at DIT , I am currently a corporal in bf2 (33244 in world) and have been fraggin since broadband came out (till 5 in the morn since bf2), owned every comp since the amiga500 till an xps at the mo. Am quite handy at FPS's in general but excell when u find a good squad in the field (all too rare). i am a good team player and am dyin to get into some serious gaming competitions. I spotted your clan as they were 16th in the world at BFV at the time( keep flyin the flag boys!:). i reckon i could be an asset to ur squad, otherwise i wouldn't have bothered me arse applyin. I am willing to undergo boot/trainin/challenge to prove myself. Have TS(best thing ever) and am very proactive in using it when necessary(dont have a strong accent).
I am a serious gamer, kinda sad, but always on-line but am mostly out for the pure craic, but also to kick some foreign under the ass under the flag of Ireland of course!
I await your command General SIR!


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[color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2005, 05:16:07 PM »
Holy shit!!! 16th in the world!?!?! I neva knew dat, COME ON DA BOYS IN GREEN!!!! :D


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[color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2005, 08:34:33 PM »
We sat in 12th or 13th at one stage I think.
There was a meteoric rise before we settled.


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[color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2005, 08:53:24 PM »
We'll be back :)


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« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2005, 01:29:59 AM »
What about my request, do you's think you can give me a shot, or what should i do to earn a tag. I have never been in a clan and hope i'll only ever need the one, so i want to choose wisely as i dont want to end up joinin with some other poxy clan when theres an Irish one.


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[color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2005, 03:28:27 AM »
Two months ago you might have sailed into the clan by virtue of your Irishness, a little skill at BFV and a healthy interest in the BF2 release date.  A dizzying flood of new applicants since the BF2 servers went up has unfortunately made things much more difficult.

The only way to get a shot at joining in the short term is to make a positive impression on a majority of the clan's membership, either by killing them mercilessly on the TiG servers or by playing well along side them.  If you manage to make a good impression then you're well on your way.

Good luck  :salute:


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[color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2005, 10:10:00 AM »
Get registered and Ill pm you the info on our recruitment policy.


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10:4 Big Chief
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2005, 11:14:27 AM »
Sorry for Buggin ye men,Just a couple more questions, I have been frequenting ur ranked server; i.p. (whenever possible, the bloody thing is always full, which i suppose is a sign of class) but have neva seen a [TiG]member since i left the Nam, only [TAC] in ur server regularly. It goes without sayin I made extra effort to stalk/hunt/kill these 3 dudes as, if there not part of ur clan, then they must be rivals.Sure u'll like this, my biggset victim in BF2 is an [SAS] member, and im sure u guys got a revenge tactic underway for this outfit. Im online quite a bit and was wonderin is there another server which u guy's use.
 How many troops does the [TiG]core currently have in its ranks?
Does it have a military structure?                Does clan membership help u with accessin ur servers?
Did ye all make those personal Logo's yourselves, or is one guy the artist?


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[color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2005, 11:36:04 AM »
We couldn't get on ourselves but now we have a way to make room for tig players you might see more on it. :salute:


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[color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2005, 04:42:37 PM »
There's been quite a few nights when I'm the only TiG on one of our servers, its a real puzzlement.
Fills up like a mad thing.
Oh, and playing WITH TiG in squads or working hard for a TiG Commander is definitely a good way to get noticed.
What times/days you on?

TiG is like 30+ active members atm.
We don't really have a military structure.
We would like rights to slots on our servers but its down to the individual, I don't like kicking people for my own gains. Lot of people still learning...
When we get our new SERVER OF DOOM we might consider our rights to it more tangible, having forked over for the physical machine.
For the sigs, there's a few people with teh skills.


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Watch ur back! Coz im creepin up on it!
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2005, 12:43:24 AM »
cool a tight, but adequate core size, did u ever think of sponsoring sub-divisions/special units, with peeps who use regularly at the same times so as they can get used to each others styles/tactics. Ok i might be dreamin here, but what about special task forces(recon/snipin, armoured/antitank, medics/pilots etc,etc,etc) ensuring there is always an active commander archetype so as to ensure an effective reperesentation of the tag at all times, as their is nothin funnier than makin a show of a squad of tagged peeps over and over again  :twisted: , which usually makes me think, what sad dicks as i believe a squad that has even the tinniest lil bit of comm skills, should be toppin the board evry time.
im on-line v. regularly, im a college bum, and aint got a job since i left, i try to use ur server as much as poss( 2-3pm till 8, 12-3am+)(sad but BF's are just  so rewarding and time consuming)
See u in the field D.M. word fo advice, dont get caught by this tousand yard stare  :lol:   :salute:


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[color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2005, 12:45:23 AM »
we got twat squad in tig,they did us proud tonight!  :D


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[color=green]SIR, Corporal CoBurN reporting for duty, SIR![/
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2005, 02:11:08 AM »
You damn right my sexy friend! I'm one of members of famous, victorious Twat* Squad!  :lol:

*obscene terms for female genitals, a man who is a stupid fool