cool a tight, but adequate core size, did u ever think of sponsoring sub-divisions/special units, with peeps who use regularly at the same times so as they can get used to each others styles/tactics. Ok i might be dreamin here, but what about special task forces(recon/snipin, armoured/antitank, medics/pilots etc,etc,etc) ensuring there is always an active commander archetype so as to ensure an effective reperesentation of the tag at all times, as their is nothin funnier than makin a show of a squad of tagged peeps over and over again :twisted: , which usually makes me think, what sad dicks as i believe a squad that has even the tinniest lil bit of comm skills, should be toppin the board evry time.
im on-line v. regularly, im a college bum, and aint got a job since i left, i try to use ur server as much as poss( 2-3pm till 8, 12-3am+)(sad but BF's are just so rewarding and time consuming)
See u in the field D.M. word fo advice, dont get caught by this tousand yard stare :lol: :salute: