[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: Animxl on February 25, 2014, 10:19:47 PM
Well lads and ladies looking to join a few irish people to game with.Currently playing Dayz and Arma.Also im new to pc gaming always been a console man.
Get a headset and TS, and jump onto TS. Info here; http://www.theirishguard.com/smf/index.php/topic,1853.0.html
Once you're over 18, and can take a gentle slagging, you'll be grand. Also helps if you drink.
Where are ye from (North/South/East/West/Leitrim)?
Have both although I dont know if you could call the Tritton ax180 a headset.I'm 24 and I drink like a fish.Uibh Fhaili born and bred,try not to hold it against me.
Once you're over 18, and can take a gentle slagging, you'll be grand
I read that as "can take a gentle shagging"....
ps..i have a triton t90..but its a shower.....
Well that escalated quickly........
ah id say thats where I went wrong,was wondering why it doesnt connect to my pc....
Well that escalated quickly........
I'm assuming whiskey was taken :P