[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: dGameMaker on December 13, 2011, 12:39:13 PM
Hey everyone. The names Paul. I've only really started playing online recently when I got BattleField 3 for PC and I've been looking for a laidback bunch of peeps to play with since it gets lonely playing random matches.
A little bit about me:
I'm 29, married (no kids yet...), working in Galway as a game developer (3D modelling and programming). Only been out of Uni into the real-world less than 2 years now (10 year stint almost killed me). I'm a big fan of anything scifi or fantasy (TV, Movies and games).
I hope to see you all online sometime soon.
Nice to meet you all
Paul join our TS tonight and have a laugh with us etc. All we ask of potential new recruits is that they drink beer and have a sense of humor....
Welcome Paul, you have ticked all the right boxes, jump on TS for a bit of craic and some games.
Good stuff guys. I'll try and track yee down tonite after work. Look forward to playing with you guys.
we dont usually play till late paul.
i usually drug the wife with rohypynol while she is watching coronation street lol..jking.
so she goes to bed after that..saves the nagging:-p
then we usually play around the 9ish mark or later.
just so your not hanging around from 6 o clock thinking that we abandoned you!
Haha. I figured as much mate. Seems origin is having a bit of trouble this evening so might not any BF3 in. Trying to figure out the whole teamspeak thing at the mo.