[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: Calibre on October 01, 2005, 09:40:26 PM
All right lads what's the Craic? So are yis still looking pilots like the front of the site says? i'd be interested in flying planes, what's the next step, what do i need to do?
All the best.
Alias: Calibre
Location: Tyrone - you know where the best footballers come from ;)
Age: 35
Clan experience: been pc gaming since I've been a cub
Where you heard about us: played on yer server a bit..
Are you good? Simple really. :salute:
Dublin for Sam ... tbh.
Jebus a Tyrone fella, might be too hard to listen to for the next year though.
Fairy :wink:
God TS is going to get funny with all the nordies on - ye're taking over the clan.
Valen - how's the man killing going btw? ;)
what you need is a good (unspecified-location) mid-western man such as myself
Tell you the truth i'm only really starting to get into planes (most of my game time i've been fighting on the ground in squads). I'm not bad by any stretch of the imagination like, but i'm sure the more I fly the better i'll become.
As you can see from my stats I'm not ultra competitive or anything, i just enjoy the craic if you know what I mean, i'm a pretty average player with an interest in flying
Calibre can you be on tonight. We really do need more Nordies in the clan TBH.
aye, no bother...
so can someone hook me up with a password for the server I canny join without it, maybe some one would fire it in an oul pm or something..
Well sure not to worry it's a few hours later now, I'll maybe catch you some other time, just pm me the details and i'll try and be there..
all the best..
i no how to pilot not to good tho but i can fly and not crash and shoot down the odd heli.
Dublin for Sam ... tbh.
lol - just spied this post, here you go, the only way you'll get Sam back down till Dublin this year is buy gaelic games for the ps2
http://ie.playstation.com/news/newsStory.jhtml?storyId=107089_en_IE_NEWS&linktype=NSON :D
So.. Am I in?
Played with Calibre lastnight... Quite a good pilot. I followed ya most of the game, for the craic... ;)
Oh I was on teamspeak the other night but I still don't know the full story with that program...
In fuchie (sp) pass? I seen you on my tail so I decided to give you the shake and noticed you flying into the side of the mountain behind the chinese base trying to follow me :wink:
I'm an above average flyer (Helicopters) so if anyone is super stuck for chopper transport / attack pilots, keep me in mind.
So I reckon you're probaly over subscribed i've been looking into the whole clan wars thing and I see the max number is 16 v's 16 and you have way more members than that along with 5 or 6 new recruits so i'm gonna bow out & check out a few other clans and see what's shaking with them. All the best lads, i'll still drop by for the odd game as it's good craic on ts/server when it get's going, good luck with all your endeavours..
just like to i can now fly with grace and skill 8)