[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: [GIT]Fairy on August 07, 2005, 10:50:00 PM
To anyone interested in joining TiG.
We are having a recruitment night on Sunday the 14th from 8:00 PM. Please add your name etc in the following format if you are interested.
TeamSpeak: [Y/N]
We'll get everyone interested into our match server on the night and have some fun etc.
Current Signups:
Name: Paul
Age: 18
Location: Glasgow , Scotland
TeamSpeak: Yes
Might not be back for 8 because I have 36 holes of golf that day :shock: but I hope it's ok if I am a bit late.
Yeah no prbs PJ.
Shano and Steven. Shano I deleted your post as I want to keep this thread as clean as possible. Steven I will get something on boards, godd idea.
Name: Toby (BF alias: Tobleronian)
Age: 20
Location: York/Manchester, England
TeamSpeak: Yes (i tend to use Skype)
Teamspeak: have it but never used it
Tried joinin a while ago, apparently so was everybody else. just got back from Europe and am gettin sick of bein a loner without any real goals in BF2 again. Give me a shot, or i can shoot u, what ever :salute:
( Hey they never pm'd me last time either)
Location: Drogheda, Ireland
TeamSpeak: [Y/N] Yes(but don't use it). Is there a post anywhere regarding the setting up of teamspeak? Tried using the ingame VOIP but wasn't much point as it just seems like talking to myself.
P.S. My hard disk is about to fail. Hopefully it holds out till Sunday.....
hi there just joined, i am lookin for a clan i play a lot of halflife2 ranked in the top 30 on a few servers and only just got battlefield 2 played 1942 a lot. dunno if i can play on sunday will be in clare.
alias: sculls
location: wicklow
age: 30
clan experience: none
heard about you on the internet
nice one scully
voip have it sort of
Name: Herr_cron
Age: 22
Location: Dublin.
TeamSpeak: Yup.
Of course my ability to play on sunday is directly proportional to how unreliable the sligo-dublin train is feeling like being this weekend.
How long is this session going to last roughly?
As if things go horribly wrong, i won't be home untill 10pm, so i'm just curious as to whether there'd be any point in loggin on at that stage.
Depending on how it goes, times could be changed. But on a sunday, we are usually on quite late.
Name: r4pp in game, John reality.
Location: Limerick City.
Teamspeak: Yes.
Clan Experience: 5 years of q3 and clanned ET since it came out.
Age: 23 or so
Heard that you are recruiting at the moment
and i would be interested
Alias: ginola10
Location: Limerick,Ireland
Age: 30
Clan experience: none but playing games for years
Where you heard about us: enjoyed playing with your boys on your server!
cya :D
name: molc
Location: Limerick
Age: 24 (but shhhh ;)
Teamspeak: yes
Hell I'm always up for a game. I'll be on the IRC server at 8pm hopefully and see where's it going from there.
name: alaric
alias: 0sprayandpray0
age: 16
location: Switzerland
Teamspeak: HELL YES
cheers c u guys soon
Name: Erijk-von-Helmet
Age: 27
Location: London
TeamSpeak: [Y/N] Yes, but new user.
Need to know which server to go to.
Looking to try out on Sunday 14th.
Hope to see you....
Hey Erijk, name added.
We shall be playing on, our match server. Everyone needs to be on IRC on channel #tig.recruitment from around 7:30ish if possible. We will let you know the format, password etc then.
We intend making this as much fun as possible. All we are looking for are players who have some idea of BF2, like playing as a team and use Teamspeak.
Fun is a major aim of this Clan, as you will find when you play with us.
Name: KonzulProutek [RL: Felix Nenz]
Age: 23
Location: Munich, Germany
TeamSpeak: Yes
Rather old stats:
Looking forward to sunday :)
Count me in
Name: Kharz
Age: 30
Location: New York City [Yup, a damn Yank]
TeamSpeak: [Y/N] Yes, but new user.
Favorite class is healing people, as in the old games (Enemy territory, etc) ive seen way to many matches won because healers keep throwing teammates back into the battle and eventually wear down the enemy forces. Will kill when I need to attack or protect a critically wounded teammate - but wont go 'rambo' style and leave wounded mates behind.
Second favorite is the engineer class - I have always loved em. The power of mines is amazing to prevent positions from being overrun. At the same time, it is painful, from a point perspective, using them on public servers as too many n00bs believe mines are powerups and aim for them - then punish me for a tk. I think one of the most important aspects to laying mines is (a) how to hide them from attackers, but let teammates see 'em. Best done hiding them behind bumps in the road visible from our side and not their side. (b) know when to block off a road entirely - best done when they have access to numerous tanks / apcs and we have none (c) know when to partially block of a road - lets us attack while still providing some defense. Best used in conjunction with missle players who can take out the vehicles as they maneuver around the mines.
I'll c if i can make an appearance
(depends on what form shes in, no shit!)
name: Paul
age: 30 (c64 ruled!)
location: antrim, altho I call Fermanagh home.
t/s: yeah boy
Name: umpsfar
TeamSpeak: Y
Really want to meet up tonight (14th Aug) for a trial. I know I'm pretty good at BF2 but I'm rubbish with how to meet up with you...sorry. Guidance would be really appreciated.
1) How to find the server I need to be on? Thanks to the fairy for posting what looks to me an address. Do I get onto it via the main BF2 game or another method? - How do I get onto this?
2) Teamspeak. I've downloaded it. Have looked for instructions but I must be dumb. Got a microphone that works. How do I find the correct com channel ~(#tig.recruitment). I take it that I booted up teamspeak and then find the servers?
I've set up key binds as well (to prove I'm not an idiot) :salute:
Sorry if I seem like a dumb ass but we all have to start from somewhere. :D
Despite lack of knowledge on this I'm capable of whooping ass and would love to join a clan.
Hope to hear from you this afternoon :oops:
Name: ZombieXenocide
Age: 30
Location: Dublin
Teamspeak: No
New to bf2. Only play TiG server (coz it rocks)
Teamspeak go to connect and add server adress:
Choose a nickname and then hit Connect. Dont enter any passwords..
#tig.recruitment is the IRC channel, you need MIRC for that. Mirc.com - then connect to a QUAKENET server, now enter /j #tig.recruitment
Battlefield: Simply abort the "updating servers" and choose "connect to ip", enter the ip and port, voila..
My laggy ass will be on hand to help if needed. :cry:
Name: Jon
Age: 23
Location: Dublin
TeamSpeak: [Y/N] No
Name:Christopher 'stunt_penguin' Tierney
Teamspeak: Have it now (^^)
Name: Ruggrats
TeamSpeak: Y
Havent played in a clan since my Mech Warrior Days
Name: Col Paddy
Age: very old (37)
Location: Bangor
TeamSpeak: [Y/N] n
just wanted to say, it was FREAKING funny.. even if in some rounds it seemed like i cant hold a gun right, i had hell of fun.. Irish Guards are just a nice bunch of people.
Hope to redo this soon again.
Thanks for a fun evening need sleep up at 05:00
Thanks for a fun evening need sleep up at 05:00
I'm in at 5:00 :(
Thanks guys...got irc and teamtalk up and running arrived late but still had loads of fun.
hey thanks guys il come play next sunday aswhell so you can see how i really play :) i was tired today i didnt get mutch sleep las night (only 2 hours) so im off befor i fall asleep on my keyboard and wake up with asdfghjkl; printed on my face :P ok buy and enjou you week.
gg's lads...
news posted on this thread soon....
Thanks for a fun evening need sleep up at 05:00
I'm in at 5:00 :(
I'm still asleep at 5.00 8)
well im wicked dumb so i didnt know how to get in the game and i just got bak home on the 14th so i didnt get to sign up and im really angry cause i wanted to join really bad oh well ill have to wait a loooong time to join
Thanks guys - had a blast. Sorry I had to take off a bit early - still had to run some errands before the week began again.
I felt like a total n00b out there with the team work you guys had -- which was fun! Shows how much more I need to learn.
Thanks again, and I look forward to the opportunity to hunt with ya'll again!
gg lads - will be picking slugs out of the body armour for weeks to come ;)
Good night, thanks :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the game.
Enjoyed it.
Well played kharz. Spotted you a few times flirting with the top of the leader board!
I had a good couple of games at the start but ran out of steam near the end. Mind you with a squad of TIG's running at you with only 3 men in your squad is quite difficult :D
Come on guys let me in :twisted:
Thanks for a fun evening need sleep up at 05:00
I'm in at 5:00 :(
I'm still asleep at 5.00 8)
Thats the way to do it. My weekend starts tonight off work no untill thursday. :D
Thanks eric, you too! But don't look at the score too much - it was pretty inflated becasue the TiG guys were wrecking my squad so I got a lot of healing / revive points. IMO the scores dont really matter too much as it doesnt really reflect how much you help the team - and some kits have the ability to wrack up scores w/o adding as much impact as other kits that have HUGE impact but very little scores.
Favorite example there are engineers who have gone pure defensive - will protect flags from the fleet of vehicles entering - but if they do their jobs perfectly the vehicles wont come =)
It was fun though and amazing to see the squads act / react and turn on a dime. I definitely felt like a n00b and had a tough time keeping the information flow going well - so when in doubt I just stuck to my squad leader (and revived whenever possible!).
Got to agree with kharz there as well. Was playing medic myself and just tried to keep my squad nearby and alive picking off whatever strays fell on my crosshairs; didn't even see scores in the end. Proper teamplay = so much more to think about :-)
Now if people would just stop d/l porn in my house so my ping could be lower than 180ms ;) *remembers back to playing quake 1 on a 28.8k modem* Or at the very least give me some when they get it :idea:
ey molc keeps talking about himself in third person... straaaaaaaaaaaange
now molc, share the good ones and leave betty at home!
couldnt make it on sunday in clare but ill be round this sunday and will be on the server during the week anyway