I'd like to start a vote to get me kicked out of TIG !
I've just been reminded that I am in fact a lousy clan member and was more of a liability to HIV than anything else, Data was in fact paid by The Butcher Of Nog in order to try and get me to leave, bastard!
I can if you fail to vote me out promise to the following:
a) Never turn up for practise session. Unlike you losers I've 'reallife' friends and like to leave my bed room every now and again.
b) Am highly unlikely to appear for matches and if I do it quite unlikely I'll remember any of that tactics which you went over in the practise sessions I never attended.
c) Team Player, I see myself in more of a support role, standing behind you human shields while I get the glory !
d) Something else I cann?t remember (still cannt, it'll come to me)
e) Dont Follow orders or play with anyone who's from Leitrim or swords for that matter.
f) Use your tags, I prefer my own thanks although I might the odd time use [TiG]CheatingBastrd if the mood is on me.