[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community

General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: JordanEamonH on May 30, 2013, 12:32:14 AM

Title: Want To Join
Post by: JordanEamonH on May 30, 2013, 12:32:14 AM
I'll start by saying I'm Irish, Living in Castleconnell in Limerick, the most North East of Limerick you can get, it's bang on between Tipp and Clare!

I've been gaming since December 2007, computer gaming that is! Starting with WoW, I played WoW for years, since possibly last year, then I decided to try other games when it become boring. As of now I play multiple games!

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. (90 Hunter, Warrior, Druid)
World of Tanks
Arma II + DayZ
War Thunder

I'd happily pick up other games, free to play preferably!

I found this clan by basically googling "Irish Gaming Clans" As i'm tired of playing with nobody, especially games such as DayZ that are just terrible to go solo in...I will admit as of now I'm 17, but I am 18, but I'm also quite mature for my age and it's been said playing WoW people though I was much older, I've gotten into many 18+ guilds with no problems. I am 18 in August though...

I'm currently part of a clan known as "Shadow-Forces" but it's died down, there's maybe 8, max 5 active at anytime.

I'm logged into Team Speak, I'll leave it running all the time I'm online, if anyone is interested in playing just leave me know! Thanks :)

Title: Re: Want To Join
Post by: [TiG]the_syco on May 30, 2013, 01:43:25 AM
I'll start by saying I'm Irish, Living in Castleconnell in Limerick, the most North East of Limerick you can get, it's bang on between Tipp and Clare!
I think we have some players down your way :P

Starting with WoW, I played WoW for years, since possibly last year, then I decided to try other games when it become boring.
I think there's a few who still play it :|

World of Tanks
Arma II + DayZ
War Thunder
Get DayZ Origins.

I will admit as of now I'm 17, but I am 18, but I'm also quite mature for my age and it's been said playing WoW people though I was much older, I've gotten into many 18+ guilds with no problems. I am 18 in August though...
That made no sense until the last sentence. Ye should be grand. Get onto TS, and game with us.
Title: Re: Want To Join
Post by: JordanEamonH on May 30, 2013, 02:01:25 AM
"I will admit as of now I'm 17, but I am 18, but I'm also quite mature for my age and it's been said playing WoW people though I was much older, I've gotten into many 18+ guilds with no problems. I am 18 in August though..."
That made no sense until the last sentence. Ye should be grand. Get onto TS, and game with us.

Sorry, was late doing this! what I meant was, "I will admit as of now I'm 17, but I will be 18 this August" Apologies!
Title: Re: Want To Join
Post by: [TiG]cMan on May 30, 2013, 10:33:37 PM
Hey man, another young gamer here lol Im 17 and play with a few other similar aged people in the clan, your welcome to join us to play some games sometime, we are looking at Arma2 again lol

We hang out in the MMO section of the TS so drop in and chat with us! :D
Title: Re: Want To Join
Post by: [GIT]Fairy on May 31, 2013, 11:06:15 AM
The babies section......
Title: Re: Want To Join
Post by: [GiT]ARKANGEL on May 31, 2013, 02:53:43 PM
as opposed to the ancient farts section.....:-p