[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: edzinator on March 21, 2006, 04:24:07 PM
Hi all,
Alias: Edzinator
Location: Meath
Age: 30
Clan experience: Only in racing games like GTR and GTL
Where you heard about us: general irish clan googling
I'm mostly playing spec ops/medic/support but always in an attack chopper!.....mostly.
Any chance you could make room for the Edzinator?
If you guys are playing tonight I'll join your teamspeak and talk to yez then.
What time are your usual matches?
nice gaming with you earlier ed very good:)
Certainly was dude, that was only the second time I used the teamspeak with it. Sure makes the experience a whole lot better!
Certainly was dude, that was only the second time I used the teamspeak with it. Sure makes the experience a whole lot better!
That's me that is....me login expired...hello again...
Hi there, our Recruiter will be in contact with you soon. There should be some of the lads on playing tonite so get into out TS on games3.iol.ie:8787 and we will chat to you later.
Our Server ip's are:;16567
Cool, will do...
If you and Pucan are around tonight we may be playing a clan match that you can join in on.
Nice one!
By the way, what channel on teamspeak should I go into first? You guys have loads!
Public ones. The others are passworded.
Public ones. The others are passworded.
hmmm, that'd make sense...
Edzinator is brought to you today by the letter "d'oh"
i missed that. i had to work late last night
did i miss my chance?
Hi all,
That was fun last night alright! Sorry I had to split around 9, Mrs. Edzinator came home from work after a crap day so had to lift the spirits with an Edzinator special...;)
Quick question though, Mack put me on a seperate channel on teamspeak 'cause maybe I was too chatty or something but I was wondering if there's an etiquette to follow with regards to teamspeak in-game?
What sould I do and what shouldn't I do?
cheers dudes
Nah I moved you as you where on a different server to us at that time. :D
Its fine when you we are all in the same channel etc but we where playing on Sharqi and you mentioned a chopper and I was running for cover before I realised it was a 16 player map with no choppers.
Ahhhhh! so that was it!
yeah, the thought of a cobra on that 16 map would be a bit scary alright (but fun!)
Cheers again for the match lads, I hear my mate had fun after I left on a particular 7-man killing spree!
i dont have the rights to move people ed:P just annoy them.
What else can i do with it?
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