Was playing with deno (on Game Warden no doubt) against some this german guy whos on a server a bit called 'PrivateJupp'. Abosolute asshole! Raped our base (american) for 5 long highly aggrevating minuets, and after a few LAW hits we managed to take him out.
So off to his base as quick as we could, to nob him before the Mi8 respawns. As we arrive there he's hiding in a building with an SA7 and is quite happy using it.
So in an act of CS-induced retardom, Deno jumps out and tells me to distract him. And with glorious skill (completely unbenownst to me) he runs up behind him and stabs him in the head. Quality!
He logged off soon after, and we just picked on slayer then (as u can see he just changed Data's profile when i took the shot).